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Our Best Seller! Commercial Cardboard Shredder! See the video of the AABES© Cushion
Pack© CP422 Series 2 + as it makes soft, cushioning material.
Green is Clean (And Always Has Been!) Green & Eco-Friendly The Cushion Pack
Shredders give you the opportunity to jump on board with the latest and best technology
in cardboard packaging. The Cushion Pack Shredders are world leaders in turning
regular cardboard into green, friendly cost-effective packaging. 2 versions available:
240 voltage or 480 voltage with 24VAC low voltage control system
The solutions to environmental stewardship begins with the commitment to source
off the shelf, ready to use products with a great history of success. Enter the
Cushion Pack© CP422 Series 2 + cardboard box shredder. The Cushion Pack©
family of shredders have led the industry in environmental sustainability solutions
for over 20 years. Participate in our network of innovative leaders as we share
a map to the early adopters of the Cushion Pack© shredders. As we network,
you will discover that sustainability and economics are mutually inclusive.

Read our Customer Feedback and Success Stories on our
Cushion Pack Machines!
Paul, your product is exactly as described and your service was exceptional. Thank
you... Mark Portsmouth, New Hampshire
The AABES© Cushion Pack© CP422 Series 2 + High Capacity Cardboard Shredder
is designed for shredding cardboard and corrugated boxes with the industry leading
technology. Partner with Cushion Pack© corrugated box shredders to build a
more sustainable environment!! Discover the success stories of the Cushion Pack©
CP Series of shredders and you will learn how to dramatically reduce your packaging
costs. Learn the added benefit of reduced shipping damages with sustainable packaging
produced by the Cushion Pack© shredders. The Cushion Pack© CP422 Series
2 + cardboard shredder is ideal for manufacturing facilities, recycling plants,
warehouses, shipping departments, and for those who are trying to build a more sustainable
environment. Capable of processing cardboard into soft cushioning and packaging
materials; it is the cost effective, economical approach to packaging your heavy,
fragile, or expensive packages.
Why pay for bubble wrap or styrofoam packaging peanuts when you can recycle your
corrugated boxes and cardboard scrap? Eliminate the costly expense of dumpsters,
an expense that will only rise as fuel costs continue to increase.This cardboard
shredder is built to last for many years and is a worthwhile investment. Periodic
maintenance is required to maintain warranty. Another in the Cushion Pack©
CP422 S2 + series that equipped with a vacuum attachment as a standard feature.
Industry leading technology and customer satisfaction, the reason to buy Cushion
Pack© cardboard shredders.
Call us at 800.203.0233 for a sample of shredded cardboard.Warranty:
Please visit our Cushion Pack© Manufacturer Warranty
page for complete Cushion Pack© warranty information.